Being aware of this fact can help you decide what you do online and what privacy measures you take. Be aware of the risks: Understand that when browsing, a lot of personal information may be exposed to your provider and websites.Use HTTPS: HTTPS indicates that your connection is secured, meaning it is safer than using HTTP.With a VPN, no one (not your ISP or snoops) can see the sites you visit, your location or any other personal data. Use a VPN: A VPN encrypts your Internet connection, offering an exceptional level of privacy and security every time you connect.To protect your privacy while browsing online, you can also do the following:

It's essential to to read and understand the privacy policy of the various web-based tools or sites you visit.ISPs or other providers often share or sell this data to third parties (advertisers).Your ISP can see your activity, location, sites visited, whom you communicate with and more.Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can view this information, as can snooping third-party sites or hackers on your network. If you like to save all browser history in your computer like other files, when you deleted the browsing history from the browser, you'll delete the history files from your computer. Now, click on the History tab and you can now select what you want to view. Internet Explorer: C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History.

When you browse the Internet, a great deal of personal information such as sites visited, location, IP address, search terms, personal communications and more may be at stake. To begin with, open Internet Explorer and you need to click on the Favorites button. In addition to deleting your Internet Explorer browsing history, you can take other steps to protect your privacy online.